The Yeast-Free/Candida Diet
The Yeast-Free or Candida diet is used when test results and/or a patient’s pattern of physical symptoms suggest the presence of intractable candidiasis, or yeast syndrome. In many, symptoms of yeast syndrome range from fatigue, digestive problems, and recurrent yeast infections, to irritability, memory loss and depression. Yeast overgrowth has also been found to be a contributing factor in certain symptoms of Autism and ADHD but moreover it is found in those with no obvious mental health illness but who have altered immunity and their susceptibility to yeast overcolonization is the symptom as opposed to the cause of the problem.
Yeast overgrowth is often a result of the repeated use of antibiotics, which destroys both the pathogenic and the “friendly” bacteria present in the digestive tract, sinuses and vagina, giving the yeast that naturally occur in the body an opportunity to multiply. Diets that are high in sugars and fermented and processed foods further encourage the yeast to grow, often leading to a chronic state of candidiasis.
The primary goal of the yeast-free diet is to eliminate yeast overgrowth and rebalannce the flora of the GI by eliminating those foods that feed yeast, thus starving them out. An equally important goal of the diet is to establish healthier eating habits based on whole foods principles, which support the natural maintenance of a healthy gut, a healthy body and the achievement of vitality. When relevant our practitioners will implement an anti-candida diet as part of their treatment protocol.
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