Vitality Health & Wellness

Aiding Prevention and Managing Symptoms

As a novel virus, information around COVID-19 is constantly changing and there are updates happening daily. In response, we will do our best to keep this page relevant as we receive information and can safely share what we believe to be best practices. Please note that this should not be considered medical advice and if you have any questions or believe that you are infected with the Coronavirus, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Levinson or seek medical care.



We are currently open and offering telemedicine to our patients, both by phone and video, in order to keep our patients and staff healthy. As a thought leader who has lectured and trained physicians around the world on novel treatments for complex issues – including immune hyperactivation and inflammation – Dr. Levinson has implemented and maintained dynamic, individualized treatment plans for patients via telemedicine and has done so for more than two decades.

In addition to offering in-depth COVID-19 specific care — including guidance on testing and treatment — we are here to maintain regular patient care as well as uninterrupted treatment of issues unrelated to COVID-19, including prescription refills, supplement regimes, and moving current treatment plans forward. 

Dr. Levinson is still offering some in-office treatments (IV infusions and ozone antiviral therapies) at his clinical discretion. Since patients with coronavirus are highly infectious even when they do not present any symptoms, we have built a special room in the clinic with its own entrance to allow patients to come for IV treatments and blood testing (including COVID-19). Inside the room there is a a clear partition with a small “porthole” that gives us access to your arm with a protective barrier between you and our nurse. This allows us to gracefully treat you while limiting contact and risk.


Dr. Levinson is treating infected patients with a combination of pharmaceuticals, a specific supplement regime and oxygen / ozone therapy. The theoretical implications of ozone therapy in COVID-19 patients is discussed further in the Journal of Infectious Disease & Epidemiology, but we have successfully used ozone therapy in the clinic to treat serious viral illnesses.

In the treatment of COVID-19, there are two key components to consider when addressing treatment: halting the progression of the novel virus inside the patient and the resulting destructive inflammatory cascade it causes by killing so many infected lung cells. When considering treatment, both factors must be addressed in order to prevent lung failure and the need for critical care and hospitalization.

One of the most devastating effects of COVID-19 is what’s known as the cytokine storm, a massive production of proinflammatory peptides that are part of the body’s defense mechanism. In this case, the influx of protective peptides can devastate the body’s reactions, creating further damage to the lungs.

Please note that Dr. Levinson is managing his patients on a case by case basis, individualizing their specific treatment and care.

Aiding Prevention

In addition to sheltering in place, your best chance for fighting COVID-19 is to boost your immune system while also avoiding stress as much as possible. Additionally, eat and sleep well, stay hydrated, stretch, exercise, and connect with your friends and loved ones. While daily exercise and meditation are proven interventions, try to avoid using devices a few hours before bed. This has been proven to improve the quality of your sleep which is known to have profound physiological and psychological benefits.

To boost your immune system, we recommend the following supplements — all of which Dr. Levinson is himself taking — they are available individually or at a discounted bundle rate:

Managing Symptoms

Anxiety, mood changes, and sleep difficulties can have a dramatically adverse effect on your health and well-being. While these are common reactions to stress, they affect your immune and glandular function. Today, a compromised system can have life-threatening consequences.

We recommend consulting with the doctor but if you are unable to, the following interventions can help those with mild symptoms. 


If you’re currently a patient of Dr. Levinson’s, we consider now a critical time to check in with the doctor so he can make any recommendations needed to match and tailor your current treatment plan with the current circumstances.